What We Do

Autism is a misunderstood condition in Kenya, and in Africa in general.
Lack of awareness limits access to appropriate services that may improve
quality of life and prognosis in children affected by autism. In addition,
parents of children with autism face challenges such as single parenting or
divorce, childcare needs and lack of financial resources, all of which have
negative effects. TAFI is a pioneer safe space for children with disability and
provides basic care to children with Autism hailing from poor families in Kajiado
and Nairobi Counties. TAFI also advocates for reduction of child and infant
mortality, improvement of maternal health, reproductive health and addressing
other health issues such as breast cancer, cervical cancer, diabetes,
tuberculosis, malaria, and HIV prevention and family planning in the community.
The organization undertakes awareness in schools as well as campaigns against
malaria as measures of prevention.

The object of autism advocacy is not a
world without autistic people but a world in which autistic people can enjoy
the same rights, opportunities and quality of life as any other human being. TAFI
primary mandate is to advocate for the rights of people with Autism and create
awareness in the community. The organization is in the forefront in sensitizing
the community to embrace Autism through working in partnership with other
stakeholders and the county government. The organization capacity built
caregivers through counseling and economic empowerment programs which offers
solace as well as prepares them to be more sensitive of the child’s needs. They
are trained on coping mechanism that help to deal with stigma and
discrimination, disclosure issues and developing a positive attitude towards
Autism. TAFI works with community structures that promote child protection in
order to safeguard children living with Autism against maltreatment, neglect
and negligence from their caregivers.

Women’s economic empowerment is a pre-requisite for inclusive and
equitable economic growth. Ensuring that women have and can take advantage of
full and fair opportunities to earn a living is fundamental to social and
economic development. In addition to the intrinsic importance of economic
equality for women, when they thrive, so do their families and societies.
Improving women’s well-being contributes to a cycle of better health and
education outcomes, more stable societies, and more sustainable development.
TAFI acknowledges the importance of engaging women and youth with disability
into Income Generating Activities (IGA) and capacity build training such as
market accessibility, value addition, small business management, financial
literacy, entrepreneurship and link to microfinance. TAFI appreciates the
issues of food security and established smart farming such as hydroponic
Agriculture and the organization has mentored and sensitized women and youth on
revolving funds as well as social enterprise in cottage industry

TAFI helps children
and their caregivers address issues of ignorance, poverty, environmental
degradation and social injustices and serves to improve peoples' lives by using
available resources to help them fully exploit their potentials through scholarships,
bursaries and link to sponsors. Promotion of education among the youth
especially girls in Primary and Secondary Schools. Championing life skills
training for the Autism adolescent and youths and therapy to support them reach
the levels of independence. TAFI conducts life skills programs through various
vehicles; SHR, counselling sessions, career forums, promotion of sports and
debates in primary and secondary schools. The school programs are platforms for
advocacy and HIV/AIDS awareness creation forums in schools to encourage girls
and boys on prevention and behaviour change

TAFI contributes to environmental conservation through
awareness creation and policy advocacy within the county legislation. The
organization is in the forefront in mentoring young generation through school
programs to conserve environment by sensitizing them to plant trees and adapt
to the new methods of conserving environment and innovations. The smart
Agriculture hydroponic demo farm at the organization is one of the ways in
which it sensitizes the community to adjust and adapt to the new methodologies
of mitigating environmental degradation. In partnership with other
environmental crusaders, TAFI has reached great milestones in conducting
sensitizations and trainings on climate change and mitigations.

Girls and women are
being underdiagnosed with autism, which takes a significant toll on their
mental health and wellbeing. ASD is about four times more common among boys than girls. TAFI
primary mandate is to champion and improve equality and inequalities for young
women through engaging the Key stakeholders in filling gaps that
discriminates against youth friendly services, enhancement of favorable
policies and practices that promote their access to services.