Who We Are

The Autism Foundation International (T.A.F.I) is a community based organization (C.B.O) established in 2016 with an aim of creating a necessary awareness concerning the plight of children suffering from autism spectrum disorders.
We enable such children cope and lead fulfilling lives by accessing educational, recreational, spiritual, intellectual growth and development. We provide care and psycho-social support to parents of children affected by Autism who are often stigmatized by society.
The Centre Located in Ongata Rongai, Kajiado County, Nairobi Kenya. We
care for 100 children and host 15-25 Children per day during week days and
10-15 children on weekends and during School holidays.
Our main beneficiaries
are Children living with Autism from Kware, Bangladesh, and Gataka slums in
Ongata Rongai, Kajiado County. We are looking forward to accommodate other
children from all over Kajiado and Nairobi counties. The women and care givers
with autistic children who are18 above are considered in our centre to offer
service for pay. Most of them are single mothers with no income or little
income, mothers living with disabilities, and street mothers. The children are
both male and female from ages 2.
Margaret Njeri[TAFI Founder] At age six, she was affected by polio and the doctors sent them home telling her mother that she would never walk. Today she walks confidently albeit the polio virus… Twenty years later, she was dumfounded when she found herself in a doctor’s office, with her then 2 year old daughter, hearing those same words again. “May never walk or talk…” Am sorry Njeri, but your daughter has autism and she may never learn proper speech or even lead a normal life.” She refused to let these words stop her.
Today she is a lady with a career she takes care of more than 85 mothers with special children in Ongata Rongai, Kajiado North. She is Rotarian and a member of Action for Child with Disability (ACD).
TAFI (The Autism Foundation International) is an
organization inspired by love and out of a dire need to belong.

To ensure that children living Autism receive reasonable quality
care by providing a safe space to enable them actualize their talents, and
sensitize the community on the need to love, care, and nurture children living
with Autism spectrum disorders.

To be the pioneers for safe space for children living
with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

- Compassion
- Integrity
- Accountability
- Efficiency
- Commitment

Founder & Director

- Project Manager

School Manager