Autism Foundation International (T.A.F.I) is a community based organization
(C.B.O) established in 2016 with an aim of creating a necessary awareness
concerning the plight of children suffering from autism spectrum disorders. We
enable such children cope and lead fulfilling lives by accessing educational,
recreational, spiritual, intellectual growth and development. We provide care and psycho-social
support to parents of children affected by Autism who are often stigmatized by
society. The Centre Located in Ongata Rongai, Kajiado County, Nairobi , Kenya. We
care for 100 children and host 15-25 Children per day during week days and
10-15 children on weekends and during School holidays.

Candle Making
Candle making is a
fund generating machine we make candles with the youth with disabilities, they
go sell and give back half to the organization Kids park the candles in colors hence
they learn numbers and colors concentrations and keep eye contact

String Art
String art is a new innovation that we use strings to create beautifully made photo frames, flower vases, wall decors .At TAFI the kids are doing the same with amazing outcomes .It’s a Vocational activity at TAFI and we have a renowned trainer who does art and craft for schools in Kenya.

Hydroponic smart farming was established at the center to act as a training center as well as a demo farm for women to learn how to conduct farming using the little spaces at their homes/houses.

Virtual Reality Learning
We have been sponsored by UNDP with two VR gadgets to test and see if
kids with autism can learn and train on ADLs content like watching a child
bath, do laundry, brush teeth, and dress etc.

We will engage professionals and utilize supported treatments to reach each child with autism on an individual level and work with them in bringing out a realm of possibility that might otherwise go unknown. We believe there isn’t a big enough imagination that could tell what lies within a child with autism.
Part of our mission is to help them discover their uniqueness to bring it to the world around them. Having been part of a life of a child with autism, we want to change attitudes, perhaps combat entire false narratives that hurt more than they help.